Komedy Koven

Thursday, August 15, 2002
Peppermint Butt Mint!
WARNING: What you are about to read is a brutal account of an actual bathroom experience. Sensitive readers and anyone not wanting to know about my butt are advised to step out for a moment.

So after a long nite of boozin' — and that's EVERY night baby! wooooooo-hoooo! — the ol' tummy wasn't quite up to spec this morning. So I took a couple of these "peppermint pills" designed to quell stomach spasms, quivers, and misgivings. They have a thick coating designed to survive stomach acids and release their pepperminty goodness further down the line. At work today I ran to the bathroom stall to do my business, and *sniff sniff* - what's that smell? Why, it's... it's PEPPERMINT! Oh my God, I'm unloading a peppermint blast. You know how your mouth feels after a strong mint, a sort of burning minty refreshsedness? Yeah, well that's how my ass felt. And that, dear Kovenites, is my Peppermint Butt Mint story.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002
Where Are They Now: Ad Creatures Jamie Lee Curtis and The Noid
Find out at The Shinola Awards web site. These brand geeks delve into the psychology and madness of names. For example, blue is the hot new color for restaurant names. And yet, where's the friggin' blue food?

Sunday, August 11, 2002
Grandma's Super Elixir!
You've been waiting by your computer, pants around your ankles and empty cans of Old Style beer everywhere, for news of new Komedy Koven videos. Or maybe you're downloading novelty porn. That's just not our business. But there ARE new werx from the Koven afoot! Starting with Grandma's Super Elixir (2.4 MB QuickTime). It's funtastical! Behold the debut of stunningly fake special effects, just like the Hollywood big boys.

we take off our pants... so you don't have to.